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01/08/21 1:29 PM

#645256 RE: SamuraiProgrammer #645234

Great post Sam!

I think many here are emotionally invested.

“When my wife was alive, the prospect of taking those dream trips was important. Now, not so much.”

I’m sorry for your loss.

I myself had many plans of what the family and I could do together if we didn’t have the shackles of having to keep a job. The homeschooling trips I had planned. “This semester we are going to study the American Revolution. Pack up we’re going to Plymouth Rock and the 13 colonies the next few weeks.” The civil war, the gold rush, WWII studied in Normandy, maybe the Great Wall of China?
This was fueled by a trip with the family a few years ago, in hindsight, the last trip we took as a family. Where my kids snorkeled in the only underwater national park, and my 5 yr old son zipped lined the forests of Jamaica, we swam with stingrays and dolphins, all for the Phy Ed class that semester.

Everything has changed for all of us here.
Even if the “silly” numbers of assets come back, it won’t put my family back together for my plans or our dreams.

I was just talking with who I consider to be a good friend here in the board about the fact that money doesn’t make you happy, but it gives you options. It takes away some challenges. It removes the heavy weight on a single income Dad that worked his ass off so we could keep mom home and homeschool.

Anyway, just a little insight as to how the waiting game here has been a great dream turned to nightmare.
Hopefully we can get some satisfaction of getting paid and we can help others make their dreams a reality.


01/08/21 9:15 PM

#645321 RE: SamuraiProgrammer #645234

Sam, thanks for your heartfelt post! A great reminder of what is truly most important in life-love and sharing life with someone you love!


01/08/21 10:13 PM

#645330 RE: SamuraiProgrammer #645234


Split T

01/11/21 12:13 PM

#645568 RE: SamuraiProgrammer #645234

Sam, I came to the conclusion long ago that you are a good egg. Similar circumstances, I completely understand and agree with your sentiments.

"The real reason I am emotionally invested in this (and I suspect as are others) has to do with being on the side of 'right'. Going way back, many of us believe the bank was seized without justification. Oh sure, there were 'reasons', but if the OTC documentation is to be believed, it was not appropriate for WMB to be taken down. Furthermore, if the scuttlebutt about JPMC Bank that came out a few years later is true, it starts to look like WMB was sacrificed on the altar of capitalism to save JPMC.

Today, the financial return doesn't matter as much. I'm retired and while (if it comes - and I think it will) it will change my standard of living, it probably won't make me that much happier. When my wife was alive, the prospect of taking those dream trips was important. Now, not so much.

What will make me happy is knowing that I made a good choice in choosing this stock (WMI). Every time I read one of your posts, it reminds me that there is a chance for some serious happiness (at being right) for which I have already paid the penalty (grief, anger, and frustration over the years).

I guess its kind of like being reminded that summer is coming when you are a kid in school. Or the anticipation of your favorite holiday. Or the hope that the girl will in fact go out to dinner with you. Or the anticipation of your team winning the world series. (Go Cubs!)"