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01/07/21 4:49 PM

#609004 RE: Trueheart #609003

"Any surefire ideas about doubling or tripling the loot?" I hoped you had upgraded into IHUB's sparsely inhabited REALITY camp where I dwell.

I'm up $190 a share on my BA. But that took 20 years.


01/07/21 6:47 PM

#609006 RE: Trueheart #609003

#7 in the 10th at GS !!

$3300 across the board.... don’t want to blow it all!!

:-). <<jk>>


01/09/21 3:08 PM

#609037 RE: Trueheart #609003

Surefire? When only 1% of stocks account for all market gains?

"Most stocks are flops: just 1% of stocks account for all market gains Picking the handful of stocks that deliver the bulk of investor returns is seeking a needle in a haystack"

"Most stocks will cost you money. An even larger number make for lousy bets; instead of being rewarded for taking some risk, you’d likely be better off buying risk-free bonds. At least, that’s the case in the US, said University of Arizona finance professor Hendrik Bessembinder in 2017, following a groundbreaking study examining the performance of almost 26,000 US stocks over a 90-year period.

It turns out this is not a US phenomenon. In fact, results are even worse outside America, according to a new Bessembinder study; all over the world, most stocks end up being money-losing investments. It sounds counterintuitive, given that stock markets have historically delivered the goods for long-term investors. However, Bessembinder’s latest study, Do Global Stocks Outperform US Treasury Bills? – which examines the performance of more than 61,000 global stocks between 1990 and 2018–


01/09/21 4:27 PM

#609042 RE: Trueheart #609003

I best way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your pocket! ;-)


01/11/21 5:49 PM

#609066 RE: Trueheart #609003

Nice on Boeing, TH. And nice paycheck!