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Julius Erving

01/06/21 6:17 AM

#343544 RE: badog #343538

Again....the sp always tells what the market thinks of a stock. A few who have a different opinion cannot change that.

The question here isn't what the market thinks, we KNOW what the market thinks, for a long time, Badog.

Question was, and IS in regards to ERHC: does the market have the most important information, and the correct information to be able to value this company properly?

You know the answer to that question all to well.

I don't claim to know all the answers to all that is going on here. I don't care. No one else knows all the answers either. Only the companies involved know the true situation and their positions and time frames.

So for some incomprehensible reason you claim that you do not care, seemingly because "no one else knows all the answers here either". Odd stance.

You do, on the other hand, HIGHLY regard the message given, via the share price, to ERHC by the market, by constantly, and SOLELY, refering to that share price.

The 'longs', who bought huge amounts of shares at CURRENT levels, look PAST that message given to ERHC by the market, Badog. The 'longs' don't care about that message from the market to ERHC. You know why? Because ERHC itself does not care about that message AT ALL (or: ERHC is still not allowed to, of course).

But what we learned from the litigation, my friend, is that ERHC still DOES CARE about the rights to block 4. As does KOSMOS. And TOTAL!

The 'longs' look at the potential value of EEZ block 4 in the current climate of developments in the EEZ. The 'longs' look at the extreme efforts made by KOSMOS over the last years, to get that ($500 million) block 4 firmly back in their possession. We learned that KOSMOS even wants to know the redacted details of the deal with TOTAL... go figure. While you at the very same time dared to claim there was no deal at all... brrr.

The 'longs' did NOT ignore that message about block 4, given by KOSMOS and TOTAL. The 'longs' did NOT ignore the message given by ERHC, by defending itself (very likely successful) against a REVOCATION, and bankruptcy in general.

The (certainly very small) 'market' is very likely not properly paying attention to grey market penny stock ERHC... And the 'market' doesn't have other additional tangible information that we longs are 'missing'.

Therefore 'longs' don't care about the market's current conclusions. And for very good reasons, I might add.

November 21st 2019: "After BP and Total, Shell is the third oil major to have decided to invest in the country's EEZ."

For some incomprehensible reason you do NOT 'seem' to care what the value of EEZ block 4 is or can be, when TOTAL makes the announcement to start exploring block 4.

You prefer to solely value the message currently given to ERHC by the market.

And THIS all is the very reason why you even claimed in post 343280 that "all the narratives about Total wanting a piece of Block 4 or Total wanting to buy ERHC ARE CRAP."

So NOW you know better, because the litigation documents have been quoted to you: "Total had secured a Partial Arbitral Award (“Partial Award”) stating it has a valid and enforceable interest in Block 4. (Case No. 14-18-00981-CV, Appx.2, Ex. A)."

And this is why you also had to change your stance to: "So originally Total was not interested". Well, dude: TOTAL IS interested in EEZ block 4. And it didn't turn out to be CRAP at all...

The moment TOTAL makes any announcement regarding block 4... your 'market' will give you a new, predictable, message.

We are all here for the same reason. All of us. We want to profit from that message. It takes courage to actually profit to the max.