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01/02/21 10:02 PM

#317893 RE: Lemmiwinks #317890

Lemmiwinks, The US health authorities should be getting everyone to
supplement with Vitamin D. Fauci and Trump both take Vitamin D, yet
the medical authorities ARE NOT getting this message out. WHY?
Vitamin D is safe and cheap not to mention widely available. Studies
have proven it is effective in protecting against the worst effects
of the virus. I believe that Vascepa will be proven protective as well
with the same resulting inaction of our health authorities. ALL adults,
especially those most at risk for contracting the virus should be on
Vitamin D would think the FDA would be giving this
advise. Yet, we hear nothing! Our government agencies are dysfunctional
at best or corrupt at worst. Someone explain why Vitamin supplementation
is not being screamed at us 24/7?

(My view is a combination of Vascepa and D would have better results
than either one by itself. Both are needed right now!)


01/03/21 9:54 PM

#318010 RE: Lemmiwinks #317890

One way or another covid pandemic restrictions will end this year. Prob not till fall. I have very intelligent colleagues...yet people you would not want to hang out with...that say masks are here forever...

I hit the wall coupla 3 days before Christmas. All my Christmas family and friends rituals were not happening/pale shadows/not working. Got depressed. I called my middle son and said,"%$#$^%^*&*, We're eff'n having Christmas in July."

We did the cipering. Wasn't gonna be possible. Stayed depressed. Called a buddy who designs medical analytic equipment, and did the electronic designs for me for Athena Audio. He is working for a startup now and working on a C19 analyser. He said, "Cheer up! You will have your Christmas in July!!! I've looked at the curves and done the math; By late mid year, everyone who hasn't been vaccinated, will have had it and died, survived it, or developed antibodies from exposure w/o contracting it."

Cold comfort. But whatever.


If NEMJ Journal Watch can create a C19 Treatment Article on self proning....

We can get something positive on V given positive data and that the world will be on fire at the time.

It's a positive.

I shit you not.