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01/03/21 2:00 AM

#317899 RE: Bouf #317887

It's not a conspiracy theory, Bouf. Re-read the Amicus Brief where we specifically laid out the fraud on the court, and its materiality to the adverse decision. Just because there was a supreme dereliction of duty on the part of the Federal Circuit, does not in any way detract from the underlying merits.

We will be filing a Motion to Vacate the Judgement pursuant to Rule 60 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Our filing will be even stronger than the Amicus filing, due to having more time and space to make our case. We are not moving on from anything.

Attempting to discredit the underlying merits of this exercise by belittling it as based upon "conspiracy theories", or as not having legs due to Judge Du having a "crack staff", and not being a "dumb bunny", is itself an exercise devoid of merit. I would not be going all in on such an endeavor in a courtroom 2700 miles away in front of a presumably hostile judge, without carefully screening the filing for merit.


01/03/21 9:19 AM

#317915 RE: Bouf #317887

not conspiracy theories

The evidence and testimony show Hikma’s expert witness lied about the significance of Kurabayashi and Hikma’s attorneys perpetrated this lie by cropping the literal insignificant footnotes from the table. Judge Du repeatedly sites the lie in her decision; her decision reads like the opposite of a science journal with incorrect conclusions about Mori and Kurabayashi because she believe the lie fed to her by officers of the court...Hikma attorneys.

Skinny labeling is an unconstitutional scheme that is ONLY justified because “some” infringement was voted (by congress when they passed the law in the 80’s) as socially just...if this goes to the Supreme Court skinny labeling will be ruled unconstitutional. SCOTUS will not agree with social justice that steals individual property rights, especially now that pharmacies have high-jacked the scheme to increase profits and STILL pass the costs on to patients.***see my post to Marksman blog here:

This blog is referenced in numerous GSK v. TEVA amicus briefs. Skinny labeling will be eliminated because Hikma stole law suit in Nevada.

You do not appreciate how I feel so stop pretending.