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12/30/20 12:44 PM

#90224 RE: tantalos60 #90222

Disagree. In SHMP's case, it's paraded as innovation, when it's really "tech" that hasn't been proven to do anything and deserves its throne of pallets, plastic wrap, and concrete masonry units.

uber darthium

12/30/20 12:48 PM

#90226 RE: tantalos60 #90222

They might reappropriate the tech, but they still have those little electrolysis issues made much worse by electrified water. Peteygrams left a plethora of ignorance on his website about plate degradation and connections to the plates and all that good boring stuff.

The NaturalGalvanicCorrosion chemistry experiment should be one for the books...

The first book could be titled “How to destroy a $40 million facility through ElectroPrecipitation/ElectroCoagulation” or UtterlyDumb could pen “Mistakes made listening to stock fraudsters”