Take a good look at the sector:! Cannabis/CBD/Hemp sector is the most attractive, most profitable and spearheding to become the best sector of all next to metals and mining!.... Great Oroduct Yes,Overpriced stock,"really??.. what a bs" this stock price is the cheapest amongst revenue generating Cana/cbd/hemp related stocks, Taug stock on its own is the cheapest, but considering the companies stake and invested in couple of pharma co's, that adds more value to its own merits, Taug's current value of the stock got to be somewhere around .60c to a $1.
""in a sector swimming with near bankrupt companies, " what a poor understanding of the sector: ...................anytime a new sector emerges, lots and lots of new businesses and people get involved, failure is common, bankrupties of weak and poorly managed companies common, not a big deal, those companies that are not well managed has to go,let them bankrupt and vanish, no big deal. It does not mean this sector is like Washingont Swamp, not at all...a fine sector with hundreds of small companies like Taug emerging to be reckoned to be a top performers and good companies!.