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01/01/21 8:14 AM

#12304 RE: sumisu #12303

Food and energy security=world peace and prosperity.We are almost there!The trends are in place for U.S. energy and food security which will lead to global energy and food security which ends our cycles of depressions and war.COVID-19 opened the door to transform the world in time to avert WW III and a massive die-off.We can feed the hungry in the U.S. tomorrow, once we decide no child should go to bed hungry.That changes EVERYTHING!Eliminate childhood hunger trauma and we will see reversing negative trends in a myriad of social problems from education,crime and violence.We have the food we simply do not distribute it effectively and the cost is minimal and will be covered by the reduced costs in health care and criminal justice.U.S energy security is improving and it will accelerate as we replace the crude oil driven fleet with EVs and increase our nuclear power capacity which is going to happen as we move to catch up with China who is already leading the way in both efforts.This decade is going to be amazing!Massive positive change is in the air thanks to the horrible pandemic.It's time for a Secretary of Food and Agriculture and for fixing childhood hunger.It's coming soon as change is being demanded and pragmatic solutions are available.The world can feed itself and we can reduce our crude oil consumption.Stay Safe and dare to dream BIG!


01/23/21 6:39 AM

#12309 RE: sumisu #12303

Tiny urban patio garden keeps man in fruit and vegetables for nine months.