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12/23/20 4:01 PM

#10767 RE: Clonemaster #10766

Hi Guys,

Merry Christmas to everyone!!! Stay healthy and safe for all.


I guess that you just do not understand the business plan of NGW.

They have a unique goal in the California market place as stated by management early on since they have started their business.

NGW goal is unique and they are striving to be the premium Cannabis growing company in California.

They care not about alliances, partnership unless it can add to their goal. NGW is not about to sell short for not a lot of money their years of expertise in the Cannabis growing capabilities.

They care not about being the largest with the most pounds per month of Cannabis grown.

NGW is about building their business and the name of NGW for premium Cannabis sold thru out California.

It seem to me the California market for Cannabis will continue to grow. And it will be 3 years at least for NGW to saturate the California market place for Cannabis and all of its products.

So there you have it my friend. Just reread the company web site and you can easily see the direction that NGW is taking their business.

And for me it is the best reason that I have invested my money with NGW.

Buying more as funds become available.



12/23/20 4:23 PM

#10768 RE: Clonemaster #10766

i dont like to bash management anymore seeing i have close to a million shares. it doesnt do any good seeing im trying to get the market cap up. that being said i still want to know what do these board members do besides collecting a check. i need specifics on these board members


12/23/20 6:21 PM

#10771 RE: Clonemaster #10766

Chuck the board and management of NGW have no idea what they're doing; Yeah. Clearly. They must have just stumbled into profitability while producing the very best cannabis available anywhere. Clearly don’t know what they are doing. it should be obvious to anybody with half a brain. Just sit back and let it all play out. They grow all the trendy strains of cannabis mean like all the strains that sell well and are in high demand? What the hell are they thinking? They should grow all the stuff nobody wants. as do all the other players in the whole country now. No innovation, partnerships, Yup. They should have continued giving away half the profits to the skater trash. That was clearly the better way to go. alliances, growth strategy, Ummmmm, maybe you missed the major announcement about a huge building expansion taking place. Management must be lying about it. co-branding. They'll get swept under the rug soon enough and be unable to compete with the large corporate growers that are moving into Cali now as it happens in most every sector with consolidation. must be referring to one of the “big-boys” that’s never turned a profit in their entire corporate life. Hope they survive long enough to buy us out! If these speculative investors are lucky they'll get bought out by one of them, but I think Mike is too arrogant to see the writing on the wall and do the right thing in the best interest of the investors. I’d hazard a guess that I’ve met way more CEO’S in my life than most.............and I’ve never met one who didn’t have swagger. It’s a necessary component to be successful. The hypesters on this board haven't been around the block in this industry and really have no idea what's going on other then to attack people that tell truth. Well, they will get what they deserve. Not my problem. You’ve probably never, ever uttered truer words Clone. Not your problem.

And by the way Clone. No attacks here. Just correcting your “truths”.