Here's competition from OPPO with "WARP TRACK" Since rollable displays are quite delicate, the OPPO X 2021 also uses a proprietary Warp Track high-strength screen laminate that adds some strength to the display. The laminate is made with high-strength steel, and it’s only 0.1mm thick at its thinnest. As the following image illustrates, the Warp Track laminate forms a caterpillar track behind the display, which adds strength without increasing resistance.
This is a mind blowing concept which would seem to answer the "panel" type obstacles. Imagine fiberglass laminate X 100. A tricky and expensive process no doubt, but with endless applications. Military might be a problem, but I am wondering since this was filed in 2015, have there been prototypes under patent pending? That would be a headline. I do not remember this filing, but I guess it was posted at the time.