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12/17/20 11:15 PM

#179249 RE: JMMatthews #179248

Yes, but when you look at “future” based SF movies they always seem to get it wrong...and project advancements along lines that don’t come to pass and miss the areas it really does happen.

I think that is why stuff like Kurzweil’s is so interesting because he basically says that we can no more project the future say 200 years from now than someone in 1800 could predict 2000.

It there is one inevitability that most futurists point to and that is the fusion of the biological with the mechanical/electrical. We just can’t really know what form it will take as what “post-human” will look like.

Perhaps it is simply a continuation of “evolution” that is self created.


12/17/20 11:33 PM

#179250 RE: JMMatthews #179248

Nuclear fusion power plants have always been 20 years off since 1950. Still waiting for the flying car and a reliable artificial heart.

The 787 is nott much improvement over the 1950s 707. We are using windmills for power much as the Dutch, Germans, Ukrainians, and Russians have for centuries - just generating electricity now instead of grinding grain or driving mechanical tools.

And soon we will be ~OUTT of useful antibiotics.

I do knott see humans, at least nott in the civilization version, being around in 1000 years. If any humans exist then at all they will likely be burning wood for heat and traveling by horse.