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Large Green

12/15/20 6:07 PM

#641701 RE: BBANBOB #641700

Very Simple Explanation that Rosie or the UWs WILL NOT address Because They CANNOT Defend Violating the Final POR

1) Amended POR 7 finalized by the court on 2/23/2012 very clearly says the preferred shares in class 19 CANNOT be diluted but common shares in class 22 CAN BE diluted

2) Rosie gave the UWs an extra year to release and it is very clear why...this gave Rosie time to get rid of the EC's legal representation who was SG and this illegal action of diluting preferred would have never been allowed

3) Amended POR 7 preferred shares were illegally diluted and nothing anyone can say can change history, thus THEY WERE CAUGHT AGAIN Performing an ILLEGAL ACTION

4) These same underwriters (below) have underwritten many other MBS Trusts for other failed banks in the past and they know the process and know how to get paid from bankruptcy-remote MBS Trusts.

5) So, all the big players: Bonderman et. al., Grayken et. al., Savitz et. al., Tepper et. al., the other SNHs (Aurelius, Owl Creek, Centerbridge), and all the other Hedge Funds, and of course currently the Underwriters are all Class 19 Equity Escrow Marker Holders.

Could this be the real reason...there is LARGE GREEN in class 19.


12/15/20 6:33 PM

#641710 RE: BBANBOB #641700

So were talking by DEC flows?