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12/15/20 10:10 PM

#198289 RE: Blue Skys #198276

baby steps bud,

I'm NOT a lawyer or a seasoned pro like you. I think Ziv already consulted with his lawyers that

step 1 --get the blessing from Israel court system (home of the creditor DGF or origin of the loan).

step 2 --file a doc with the US court system


12/16/20 1:32 AM

#198290 RE: Blue Skys #198276

Just watch......

Not gonna get in to this with you...a waste of time.


12/16/20 11:17 AM

#198295 RE: Blue Skys #198276

You need to enlighten yourself before saying that a ruling in an Israeli court cannot have an impact on US proceedings.
In a large majority of cases, (up to 95%) the US court accepts the Israeli bankruptcy court ruling and that will be the case here.
Just how stupid do you think the lawyers and advisors are?
What do you think has been going on all this time?
Delay tactics?
Fantasy Island......
The company has been working tirelessly to get things moving...trying to appease no avail.....
I spoke about a plan "B" months ago.....
THis is plan B....
Reorg.....approved by the Israeli court...which will be accepted by the US court and authorities..
New money.....manufacturing...sales...revenue....beginning in Q1 2021...if all goes according to plan......and it should.

And yes..a foreign bankruptcy courts' ruling can be accepted in the USA and applied to an American company....
Authorizing an increase in the company can continue and move forward with its reorg plan...
THis is pretty cut and dry.
OWC(US entity) is domiciled in is creditors..and ready to move on.

IN over 95% of cases....a bankruptcy proceeding/ruling/acceptance of terms in an Israeli court can and is accepted verbatim on the US side.

Here's 1 perspective..enlighten to understand first ...

Increasing the shares available is imperative to the re-org plan.

It would also be foolish to not believe that at some point there will also need to be a RS .

That is a little ways down the road...and will potentially occur after the company has exited the reorg plan....and is operational in 2021.

There will be no need to have a toxic RS.

The RS would also be supported by the positive momentum of the's new investors and new operations.

Michael Feldenkrais is an integral part of the future of the company.

Money will not be a problem.

Stay tuned.


01/01/21 9:44 PM

#198555 RE: Blue Skys #198276

You lack a understanding of Chapter 15 Bankruptcy.

You will soon find out.