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01/05/07 10:11 PM

#3049 RE: knightowl #3047


Why am I here?? Very simple my friend. I have followed Unico for a good many years (over 6) and was almost suckered in to this stock based on the hype of Ray Brown and others years ago. As I did my DD I found that every time I turned over a rock more creepy crawlies appeared, and that continues to this day. I chose NOT to invest based upon everything I learned.

Most here call me a 'paid basher.' That I am NOT and neither am I short this stock. If there was a LEGAL way to short it it would have been the no-brainer of the century. Had I invested in Unico I would have lost over 99.9% of my money. Some here have already lost over 95% of their money in less than a year.

Most of the posts here are from relative newbies to Unico (less than 1 year). They have bought into the hype, some from the Rapholz letter(a PAID pumper), for various reasons, but mostly greed. They post mostly 'speculations' and in some cases outright lies about this company. They twist facts to suit their own argument. They have visions of enormous riches. As far as I am concerned, the people who conduct themselves in this manner are every bit as bad as a naked short seller. I have posted information and facts about Unico that many here do NOT want brought to the fore for obvious reasons. When one does thorough due dilligence on any company you will find good, bad and ugly. Most here have NOT done thorough due dilligence and just maybe they might learn something from some of my posts then verify those facts for themselves.


01/06/07 1:15 AM

#3059 RE: knightowl #3047

Investing for other reasons

There are investors who play the hype and not the company.
its really simple, buy at the lowest possible price, when it goes up, sell no matter what. The stock will fall on lack of confidence. You buy back in and wait. at these price you can buy millions of shares.

as for today's crash it was simply a matter of GOLD price, all gold stocks fell, and lost 4 days of gain and some recovered a little example TRGD.

ronning999 has aways been enlightening us of our poor judgements and he's not alone. As for the past of this company, it just doesn't matter, people have a short memory, we'll forgive criminals, murders, drug abuse, sex offenders, whatever! take any movie star, congressman, and preacher. As long they show a good side, we will forgive them. We forgive presidents for killing thousands of our men and women every month as he and his father gain millions.

The facts are most people cannot visit the company because they just don't have the time. People saw the ENRON building on the TV and visited their local savings and loan and it didn't matter, We have to believe in the system of the SEC and yes it's like our court system, not that great. but it's all we got.

example: 2001 AQUA CFO mislead the public on the share price by getting a loan for 1.7 Million to buy shares. He is facing the SEC only now, 6 years later. He will only do 10 months in fed prison for people losing millions.

If your in the pinkies, your in the trenches of the battlefield and there are no morals here. there is no integrity here. it is simply gambling or a leap of faith nothing more.

if you want solid growth, go buy Cisco, or Altel, or Google. you won't get that many shares as you could get here but, at least your money will be secure but not safe. ex:ENRON.

I enjoy ronning999 comments and actually look forward to them with every PR. He's right about this company. I only hold about 200K of this stock at the moment because its free, after the sell off today. I would recommend caution until gold settles down against the oil prices and euro. then buy back in and you will see this stock slowly climb and fall again at the wall price.

I have seen extremely few pinkies that have made it out of the battlefield and into the limelight. You have to remember that out of all companies started, 40% will fail in the first year, in the next 5 Years, 80% of that, will fail, next 5 years 80% more - The Emyth. So if you want to go long, go right ahead it's your money.

with this stock ronning999 and others are right, you have to do your homework, otherwise, sit and watch the stock everyday, every hour and see the pattern, then start investing in the patterns.

if you want long and don't have the time to babysit, buy bonds, or invest in a hedge fund.


01/06/07 2:09 AM

#3061 RE: knightowl #3047

Knightowl, Our trading group started posting on ihub with a jr. oil & gas co. 3+ years ago. it was bashed pretty good but we did our due dilligence, including phone calls to the CEO and CFO.

We held the stock for 2-1/2 years. It went from our cost basis of $1.18 to .036...

However, in a 6 week period last year, it went from approximately .50 to $2+ in a 6 week time frame.

We "felt" good about it and it panned out... I know, "felt" good about it... But like I said, we did our DD.

We have done the same with UCOI... and we feel "real" good about it. These guys are no dummies and know what they are doing. imo

You will do what you think is right... and the more post's of ronning's you read, you have to ask yourself... what in the world am I doing reading this krap...?

Best wishes in all your trades,
