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CogDiss 1188X

12/05/20 4:40 PM

#336247 RE: CaptainObvious #335987

Yep Cap’n, since the trajectory of three of the bullets passed through Jules, good luck isn’t the answer.

The only other possibility it seems, besides the miraculous, is that the whole thing was an elaborate, convoluted magic trick orchestrated by Marsellus. He could have recruited the guy in the bathroom to kill Jules and Vincent, given him the gun loaded with blanks and rigged the room with special effects to reveal bullet holes in the walls, the revelation of the holes triggered by the specific noise signature of the “hand cannon.” But there’s zero evidence for any of that.

By coincidence, I happened to read the story of Cain and Abel recently and made the connection to Caine in the TV show Kung Fu, and so to Jules. After Cain murdered Abel, he was condemned to be a restless wanderer on the earth.

And to think this was inspired as a response to feeble attacks on the two Lindas.