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12/03/20 10:10 PM

#35996 RE: Fun Coupons #35983

Agreed!!! And on a more serious note...

Tesla has not even begun to capture his/ours?/their potential....

I would like to have a 1 hour window with Elon Musk.... currently he is running the wrong direction with (T)his business.... seriously! Tesla isn’t SpaceX... I will leave it at that... other than my ideas capture an old age business approach which shouldn’t be neglected. (Fundamental human experience/existence)

He is highly intelligent but we are from opposite spectrums... what would happen if you put him and Steve Jobs in the same room for a day?? ....... ? I would love to be a fly on the wall! Besides dissecting the male ego... (weakness displays its in a conflicted environment; but also displays its best achievements ‘mentally’) lol They are entirely polar intellect opposites!!! I would walk away with an incredible acquisition of knowledge that one day... now say a laymen with street smarts and has a farm-boy wisdom (Buffett) that has graduated to an accomplished level of stock market savvy (Buffett)... just one hour and basically won’t sequester him to a corner somewhat like a Joe Rogen podcast;-)

I highly doubt he reviews this board or has an assistant that would... (sad seriously) Billionaire can’t pay a 40-60k salary for 1 person to review public opinion... this literally would be the best format!!

Personally, I would spend 2 hours a week on the phone/person with an individual, quizzing their weekly review... Even if 1 week out of 52 paid off... it would surely pay more than corporate douche bags could deliver in the other 51...!

And maybe he is working on the business curve?? Looking for the first sign... and subsequently I would be a big long term investor in person!... and he wouldn’t divest the research capital... already in house.... ;-)

Laid down the bait! PM me....

1 hour in person Elon....
nothing less...

PM me assistant!