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12/02/20 7:26 PM

#335365 RE: bas2020 #335360

Great post, but there is more to the vaccine threat. We all know that Bill Gates is behind the whole pandemic and China was the fall guy. It is common knowledge that the vaccines will contain mind control microchips that will cause us to turn off lights and eat guacamole toast. It goes deeper, despite the technological prowess of Microsoft (TM) and the whole tech industry, they do not possess the technology to produce these chips. It is space alien technology. Bill Gates made a deal with the aliens to exchange their technology for a 20% discount on Microsoft Office (TM). Of course the aliens got screwed on the deal, they will learn the hard way not to negotiate with Bill.


12/02/20 7:27 PM

#335366 RE: bas2020 #335360

Many people in my area have never worn the mask, and I've witnessed some who have become belligerent when stopped at the door at Wal-Mart, BW3 and other establishments.


12/02/20 7:28 PM

#335367 RE: bas2020 #335360

People don’t ware masks correctly and don’t wear them indoors, with friends and family. Why do you think there’s some conspiracy to make people into mask wearing sheep. To what purpose? If anything a government that wanted to control its people would want them not to wear masks.


12/02/20 7:39 PM

#335371 RE: bas2020 #335360

Do you have any idea why China's economy is back to normal (after a collective sacrifice of about 2 months) and ours is not ?

Seems to me like China is winning.


12/03/20 2:18 AM

#335482 RE: bas2020 #335360

We all know that people make mistakes when they believe those around them are tested. The White House clearly became a spreader event on a number of occasions regardless of how many tests were run. Masks would have prevented some of it, but they're not perfect. Clearly you can't eat while wearing a mask, but eating outdoors with substantial spacing is safer than indoors.

I've recently seen restaurants that had tents built that were closed to a foot or two off the ground, that to me is not outdoors, far better with a roof, but no sides, space heaters and substantial spacing. Even those places are forced to close now, but they wouldn't be if we had acted seriously months ago. We had leadership that didn't stress what the medical people said, he stressed the right to be an individual, defy science, defy the experts, he was number one, and he believed that what was right for number one would be good for all. His actions will probably lead to hundreds of thousands more dying of Covid-19 than was necessary, but he did it his way.

I'm both a senior and immune compromise because of treatment for leukemia, I listen to the scientists and believe that if you have a choice, do what's best for the world. To me, when it comes to the earth, it never hurts to do something that pollutes less. I know regulations often cost industries adding cost, but if those regulations lead to a more habitable planet, it should be worth the cost. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that deregulating industries will do things right when laws are removed that permit them to do things wrong that save them money. I'm all for removing red tape, but not reducing the intent, if things are done properly, most of the red tape can be removed from the process.

We need laws, not executive actions that last only as long as an administration. I don't care if it's environmental, dealing with aliens, etc. laws, not executive actions are needed to make things reasonably stable. Laws require Congress to make compromises, but people can live with that. Executive actions last only as long as either the executive lasts, or until Congress says no. We're a Democracy, but only as long as we choose to be, those who're pledging their allegiance to Trump, rather than to the Country are pushing to topple the Democracy.
