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12/02/20 1:58 PM

#201903 RE: Alyssa #201901

It’s completely possible that both men used other individuals (including those who defend him) to buy and sell shares to avoid regulations.

The government prosecutors are relentless and uncover the ongoing criminal enterprise.


12/02/20 2:16 PM

#201904 RE: Alyssa #201901

You are leaving out a few things

First, maybe he did not cash out everything to avoid being obvious to the SEC. I'm sure the 137k was not the last shares he was going to cash. 137K of profit off of fraud is a big deal. Then, he did "Spoofing" and said that the Covid Test was "FDA Approved" all while dumping shares.

As for bribery that's just another term for Kickback, or Commission or Bonus or however you want to classify it. Funneling money to direct patients for the tests. See line 14 here:

Very strict rules that needed to be followed. Two people now have plead guilty to breaking these rules. This is not a haphazard thing or just just took a plea for the hell of it. They are now felons awaiting sentence. And that sentence is going to be based on what they provided to help the DOJ's case. The DOJ I'm sure were crystal clear on the rules and presented evidence that made them plead guilty.

So maybe I'm wrong and something is going to pop out at trial that makes perfect sense. But for now, the optics on Dr Schena's case look awful.

I just have not heard anything to this point that would point to a different outcome, just lots of talk about not understanding this or that. And there will be at least two people getting on the stand and saying "Yes" we did these things that broke the law in concert with Dr Schena.

Every step of the way I think the vice is tightening. I'm open but I would think that if this was one big mistake or if there were significant errors in the case, the "others" would plead not guilty and fight like hell. They did not and we are waiting on maybe more to plead out before trial.

So I'm waiting as well, but I"m taking into account on what's happened so far. The Grand Jury inditing. The SEC adding 3 counts to the criminal indictment and two guilty pleas so far in the conspiracy.

Let's see how it all turns out


12/02/20 2:26 PM

#201905 RE: Alyssa #201901

Now the trial's in March? Nothing but delays -even from prison- for this pathetic company. And yes, as bad as Mark Schena is- the SEC is made up of even bigger and MORE corrupt criminals


12/02/20 2:37 PM

#201906 RE: Alyssa #201901

Desperate for rent money. Knew the fraud and conspiracy was exposed. Doesn’t care about investors. Lawsuits out of everywhere. That’s why. ARYC should shut down and mark and nene should be fined and jailed. All the other speculative nonsense doesn’t fly


12/02/20 4:12 PM

#201916 RE: Alyssa #201901

Not surprising to me if they tried to cover their criminal tracks to avoid sec detection..once the verdict is out.. This will be one of the biggest fraud case in American history