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11/29/20 10:26 AM

#27335 RE: wwalker3 #27330

Letter to Hello,
Is there any chance that you forgot to read the Pebble Project FEIS prior to your flawed ROD?
Your ROD not only ignores the findings, it is in direct contradiction.
It verifies, as an issue of FACT, that the Pebble mine can be built and operated safely and to the huge benefit to the residents of Alaska, as well as the USA.
The mitigations that the USCOE are demanding are unfair, excessive, and were a hint of the entry of politics into what is by definition, a rule-of-law process based on FACT and SCIENCE.
The disallowance of the submitted NAK mitigations is neither objective, nor based on fact. It instead appears to be a weak, misguided, politically derived document...and as such is reversible (vs. fact, which is irreversible). Mud can be stirred all day, but until it hardens, it's just mud.
The USCOE has lost what was previously a respected adherence to the rule of law.
Just like so many US institutions of peace and governance. This one goes right on that trendline...for now.
But, in this case, because of the tenacity-on-steroids of T.C., J.S. and the rest of the exceptional Northern Dynasty Minerals stalwarts (resolute, determined, committed, unfaltering) the USCOE will not get away with this. You may have won a battle for your sponsors of this travesty of justice, but you are far, far from winning the war.