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11/24/20 2:46 PM

#10008 RE: chuck29 #10007

Hi Guys,

I just can not believe the near term negative dialog about NGW.. The baby company NGW is not growing fast enough for some of you? Get real. NGW management is delivering on their stated business plan.

Management is working very hard and has established a plan that is growing sales and bringing in profits.

NGW is on it growth a path stated by management. That being the premier "Weed" company in California.

If this goal does not have meaning for anyone, then surely it is time to sell and move on.

However as the plans that NGW management have stated and are being met by management, the sales in growth and profit will naturally take care of itself.

Do I want to drink 90 ++ rated wines. Yes I do, and I spend my money accordingly.

And the same way those in the know about premium "Weed" will being looking towards NGW branded products to fill their needs.

And sales and profit growth for NGW will surely follow.

My view is that shortly NGW profit per month will be the inside the company financing that will allow for flower growth expansion under the NGW brand.

And within 3 years NGW will be mentioned within the listing of house hold names in the "Weed" sector.

I am holding every single share of my position. And buying more NGW as funds become available. And will continue to do so as the shares rise in share price. This in my somewhat informed opinion is only the very beginning in a most profitable NGW growth story.



11/24/20 2:58 PM

#10009 RE: chuck29 #10007

With where we are in the life and history of this company absolutely I think they're cutting the mustard. If they're at same place a year from now then No. But right now I think they've done wonderfully and the numbers are fantastic. Something to celebrate! I hope they're as successfully with what they do next to grow the company as they have done so far. I'm getting the sense you are one of those guys who tried happiness, joy and smiling once didn't like it and gave it up for life. Also done my DD and I wouldn't be investing in any of those million and millions a month companies-- Apples and oranges agrument--no profits--again again all that matters profits, profits, profits!