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11/13/20 8:07 AM

#309569 RE: BioChica #309567

I don't buy the "milking it" though. As low as an opinion I have of them, I don't think even these idiots can be that stupid.

JT had to spend at least 250K to acquire the shares. JT lost out on about $7.5 million for not selling those shares at $20 (or selling the company at $20). I'm actually a little surprised John "F is for F the shareholders" Thero didn't sell them all for pennies.

All of the management team has to see the writing on the wall. The longer this goes on, the more money they are pissing away. Sure, they are granted more options each year, but after a taste of the good life, shareholders are going to be less and less likely to grant these options each year. A sale at $15 or above is going to be a better deal than $15 in 5 years when EU is finally profitable (according to JT, it's going to take at least that long).

It seems to me that John "Throw investors under the bus" Thero was the lone holdout when it came to betting the farm on a higher shareprice now vs after FDA approval (the rest dumped a ton after R-it and approval). My hope, as I've said, is this bitter pill wakes him up and he sells. Or at least does something different.


11/14/20 3:56 PM

#309709 RE: BioChica #309567

Not defending JT's stock sales, but the options were expiring on 11/10, he had to exercise them or lose any profits he could have made.