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11/12/20 3:20 AM

#17 RE: Porgie Tirebiter #14

Was Donald Baillargeon unavailable for the gig?

Mebbe he has an exclusive tie-up with and cannot host the iHub Market Vision Youtube channel.

Perhaps some of the residual APS promoters would take the yobb. Drew Ciccarelli is prolly looking for an income source to pay his legal bills in his recent SEC case.

Or a real pro's pro like Jordan Belfort or Barry Minkow - pennyscam promoters with some serious weight.

This channel appears intended to promote the pennyscams with~OUTT anyone to (or equipped to and capable of - as currently staffed) significantly challenge the bullshit of the pennyscammers 'interviewed'. Don Baillargeon is the Don Lapre/Tom Vu of this genre. Ideal host.