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11/11/20 9:25 AM

#569 RE: pete807 #568

Hi Pete, Re: Veteran's day............

Both my parents were WWII vets but neither left the mainland during their time in service (Navy and Waves). My uncle had lost a lung to pneumonia as a youngster and was turned down by the military three times when he attempted to enlist. Then in the last year of WWII he was "drafted", did Boot Camp and then was shipped to England for the Normandy invasion. I guess one lung and 36 years old was good enough for the beaches of Normandy! I don't know anything about his remaining time in Europe. He lived to 90, however.

My brother was in the Marines ('68 to '74). I was not drafted even though my lottery number would have guaranteed it. The Draft Bill was re-written in 1971 while I awaited my winning number being called. Passed my physical and all. Then, the legislature took 3-4 months to pass the new bill. It was too late for them to crowd me in before my 12 months of eligibility timed out.

We had a lot of rain and pretty strong winds last evening here in SE Wisconsin. Breezy again to day. Two big eagles were sitting in our northern pine this AM looking over the Elkhart Lake breakfast menu. Chilly at 33°F when I got up.

Best wishes,
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11/11/20 9:48 AM

#570 RE: pete807 #568

You are well worthy of your proud heritage.

Beautiful to read your sharings.