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11/09/20 10:52 AM

#171526 RE: CUIN2 #171525

We will in 3rd quarter see some of Solofire revenue and possibly Japanese company we did partnership with. Plus Definately over 4.5 revenue come 4th quarter. With the new hired people that build revenue we should see some of their results in that quarter too. Very promising quarters to come in 2021. 2020 the base was built and results are coming.
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11/09/20 11:45 AM

#171528 RE: CUIN2 #171525

The next quarter results will help us understand that. The PPS hovering just above the min listing requirement, with the charts slowly trending down, certainly do suggest another RS unless the quarterlies offer a reason to reverse the trend. Odds are that the adoption of the current styles of interactive video is nowhere near the billions people thought it might generate. I do think there still is some merit in the idea, but careful case studies of different approaches to using it might guide future implementation. For example, we know people generally prefer short videos, when we see a video that is over 2 minutes long, let alone over 10 minutes, if we are in a hurry, we skip it thinking we will go back later, but never do. So capitalizing on guiding people across quick advertisements with a feel of interactive AI will keep them interested. At least that's an example to test. Imagine a bunch of scenarios and test them all. Maybe it turns out interactive video interest was just speculation and not ever going to be a thing of significance, so pivot the whole company to alternate innovations, but don't keep beating a dead horse, if it turns out to be one.

It may be that Rory has to admit his interactive CRM idea was something he'd love but the market in general is far less excited about. If so stop petting a beloved idea and go make money.