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11/08/20 12:09 PM

#281834 RE: pcguy #281833

REMEMBER, we are talkin CNS here, where a small improvement is never before seen on a 75 billion domestic market (cancer is 110 billion annually, AND THIS TOO IS NOT REST OF THE WORLD...for the entire spectrum of a hundred cancer drug annually....s)


11/08/20 12:53 PM

#281838 RE: pcguy #281833

Here's the analogy:

For thirty years, various unsuccessful attempts have been made to mine a stream for gold. Everyone tries to mine the banks of the stream, and no one finds any gold.

Anavex comes along with the idea of mining the streambed instead. Initial assays were encouraging. First time out, there are gold nuggets in the pan. Now we are hearing complaints that the pan is not filled brim to brim with gold nuggets, or that the pan should be much bigger. Don't lose sight of the prize. Anavex has staked its claim and is successfully mining gold here.