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Watts Watt

11/08/20 12:02 PM

#204757 RE: Almosthere #204756

Forward looking statements are not binding legal words.

Simply not the case.

This negates any LEGAL issues presented.

Words are Words. Forward looking statements without numbers are words only.

So back to square one and the main point. The management commentary meant NADA. Word smything means NADA.

The numbers on the Financials are what counts.

Only they determine the true PPS.

We are not at the pumped 17.5

We are at the true 0.1150

BIG DIFFERENCE. Being off by SIX CENTS matters.

Can't be any clearer than that.


I will gladly eat my words later when there is real bacon on the table, but, until then, I refuse to eat the other stuff that's being served, including a very telling flimsly running management commentary.

Words mean NOTHIN: Numbers mean EVERYTHING.

The numbers on Nov 10 are what count. NOT THE forward looking WORDS of AUG 10.