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11/07/20 6:58 AM

#281493 RE: XenaLives #281492


This is because Anavex is targeting CNS as a whole, so the story is a bit more complicated than a 15 minute presentation will allow.

That reply does not explain why the primary endpoint in PDD was not met. In fact it doesn't explain anything at all.


11/07/20 7:34 AM

#281504 RE: XenaLives #281492

Layman's question, contemporaneous post,

HOW do you present/claim prevention and still show decline albeit small and also compare the data you cite to placebo?

Saved me a bunch of money and I do not
even have to explain to my investment group. The rest may be luck, but I'll take what my skepticism gives me.

Anavex may continue to find funding to pursue the dream, but it won't be through Cowan and the process will extend past 2021 for sure.

If Only investing were as simple as a spelling B. Time to re allocate some funds to Alcoa by the reactions I've seen.


11/07/20 8:44 AM

#281521 RE: XenaLives #281492

Then an investor conference call and PR is in order.