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11/06/20 10:26 AM

#171449 RE: Nspireaction #171445

nope -- just statements and claims that never have translated to serious revenues. DO you REALLY think static videos with interactivity have been a huge success? You KNOW they have been a huge failure. If the results were what that Texas marketing firm and all the others claimed they were then we would have seen huge royalties for several years now. But instead we've seen nothing at all.

It doesn't make sense to claim that the reason interactive static videos have continued to fail to generate income is because the technology just wasn't 'ready' 2 years ago. It's not technology. It's software. Believe me, if it was that effective at increasing people's sales -- they would have focused on getting it ready (remember V3 in 6 weeks?) instead of changing direction entirely to purchase Sound Concepts. They did that to save their bacon because they KNEW that static interactive videos was a collosal failure that couldn't save their bacon.


Live streaming COULD be different but will it? Again, testimonials and excitement mean NOTHING at this point given the history of such from Verb and their clients and partners. All that matters is the evidence that has still never happened -- actual increased end sales.

I'm more than willing to change my mind -- and I know analytics could have value too -- but the company has been pitiful when it comes to showing any real evidence of 'homerun' potential...all talk and no numbers year after year.

Real McCoy

11/06/20 10:55 AM

#171455 RE: Nspireaction #171445

The market is looking, and it disagrees with you.