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11/05/20 5:34 PM

#326874 RE: flipper44 #326849

Flip can you catch me up quick? Why are we not thinking that TLD will be out tomorrow or PM Monday? Because we kissed a SITC deadline?

Sorry I've been slammed lately and missed something


11/06/20 4:58 AM

#327001 RE: flipper44 #326849

So it looks to me like they are planning to present an ongoing trial (still blinded) abstract at SITC, and an unblinded abstract at December ESMO, and/or a publication around the same time, and quite possibly a BLA submission before January 1.

It would be inconceivable nuts and weird if they did present any form or shape of blinded data. Im going on a limb here but I dont think in the history of biotechs has a leading investigator ever presented blinded data after data lock in a self-imposed repeatedly announced quiet period. Correct me if wrong.

Im convinced that if given a choice all three investigators would much rather be silent then present blinded blended data after data lock and repeated announced upcoming TLD. Its a choice between looking like a clown and stock promoter and being a real scientist who actually has something meaning full to present. IMO

There are really only two options here. Or they have forgotten to cancel SITC as Sentiment suggested. Or they don't care to cancel it and just will not show up. Or SITC has forgotten to remove it from the website. This option seems to be increasingly strange since SITC has repeatedly confirmed its presence.

Or option two, they will present TLD this Wednesday. From different ihub members, we have learned that SITC confirmed they will indeed have a poster and abstract this Monday.