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11/04/20 12:04 AM

#280246 RE: surftv7 #280245

Sustained prevention of decline

i think that's wishful thinking and not being realistic. alzheimers is a very tough nut to crack and is always degenerative even w/meds


11/04/20 12:48 AM

#280247 RE: surftv7 #280245

How about just eliminating side effects. Even if it performs the same, but is safe and tolerable with no side effects, which would doctors and patients prefer?


11/04/20 1:13 AM

#280248 RE: surftv7 #280245

Never forget regarding Anavex

Good luck and GOD bless,


11/04/20 6:41 AM

#280256 RE: surftv7 #280245

Given the data available thus far it is highly unlikely that on average all AD patients treated with A2-73 will stabilise or even improve. Seems 2 patients did in the P2a extension at 148 weeks, whereas the rest declined some slow than the SOC posthoc comparison and a few faster.

Hard to know exactly how long a clinically meaningful improvement over SOC is sustained and for how many. I think there is good chance that overall A2-73 will beat SOC and with fewer side effects.


11/04/20 7:07 AM

#280257 RE: surftv7 #280245

Check out the AVXL claims of regeneration and restoration w/ CNS cellular homeostasis MOA. We might get a clue from OLE results.