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The Law (f/k/a emz)

10/28/20 8:29 PM

#39040 RE: armstjo1 #39035

Since the wifey is catching up on her Soap Opera, I will explain further: Where a corporation "incorporates itself" (it's "Domicile State") is of little relevance to where it conducts its business (particular in modern times). However, if you are a Delaware domiciled company and you want to do business in NYS (or any other state for that matter) you must register as a "Foreign Corporation" doing business in the State- this is not like "ICE"- it is "foreign*" in that it is an "out of-state Corp" (or LLC these days if private). Failure to do so usually prohibits you from using the State's Court System as a PLAINTIFF (but you may still be sued as a Defendant), a horrendous result/situation, thus one better take that seriously!

*Remember your history- before the Federal Gov't started poking their nose in everyone's business and asshole, and conditioning public works and other federal grants and $$s on a State's bending to the Fed's will (e.g, 55 Mile speed limit if you want to Fed funds to pave your highway), states acted pretty much wholly-independently as their own "mini-country" (a la Sin City vs. Provost, Utah). Thus the term "Foreign" was more apropos at the time.

How's that for an uneducated BIG FAT LIAR OAF!


10/28/20 8:40 PM

#39041 RE: armstjo1 #39035

armstjo1....sorry, I cant take credit on that one...was

If I gave credit to wrong person my apology....great DD!