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10/21/20 8:20 AM

#277571 RE: Investor2014 #277570

Thank you and thank you for your continuous informative balanced posts here.

Im about to increase my position in Anavex substantially.


10/21/20 8:25 AM

#277575 RE: Investor2014 #277570

No matter when approval will be given even if it looks like it may be h2 2022, it will be actually 1.5 years earlier.

What is going to happen ?


Proof will come from the PA sales which are tracked in Australia.

If you have ALZHEIMER’S you want A2-73 now!


10/21/20 9:20 AM

#277599 RE: Investor2014 #277570

By mid 2022..

Anyone diagnosed with dementia will already be taking Blarcamesine..

And we will be reviewing a3-71 for mild to moderate to severe.. ( as long as they express S1r..

Everyone is already trying to figure out how to strengthen S1r signal either through gut micro or regenerative medicine.. duh