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10/19/20 10:56 AM

#26351 RE: Atinus #26349

Murkowski has zero chance of doing a thing. Republicans will pick up 2 votes guaranteed in the Senate. And probably retake the house which is what follows a landslide for the president or even a strong race. They do not have to retake many seats at this point. Regardless, don't overthink. The ROD is like getting a deed to your home. A crazed Senator cannot say I will take the deed back. We have an honest 9th circuit, btw, and the Supreme court is 100 percent overwhelming honest now. With ACB a shoo in, that alone gives this a so called "pop" but that puts it at 5-4 at worst. personally, I think Roberts is not a communist and would never in a thousand years permit a federal deed to be revoked. So it is really 6-3.....Trump will get one more appointee, the odds are, don't it will be 7-2 in several years from now.
Murkowski is gone forever in 2 years and she knows it. She has no chance to win. This is called overthinking things.