It’s not going to take the RTT Militia to get the FDA to notice. They already have taken notice and awarded ANAVEX a potential voucher for expedited approval processing for another compound based on PKRTT results already given. So IMO, very good supportive RTT READOUT RESULTS will produce approval for 18+yo Rett Syndrome patients.
Gina Kolata and Denise Grady simply aren't aware of Anavex right now.
They respond to emails. If someone has the inclination to message them and tell them a bit about Anavex and how it has three ongoing trials, I'd be willing to bet one of them would write a story about it.
But who has time to actually let them know. Better to just let them find out with the rest of the masses, assuming the drug ends up working. Otherwise they'll be writing "Another drug candidate heads to the P3 graveyard." That's the story most people expect to read considering the share price is still under $5.