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10/14/20 3:10 PM

#305093 RE: Whalatane #305036

Many thanks reply and appreciate your views as ever ...the amicus was a huge huge long shot the en banc less so .. but still a huge long shot - very unlikely to succeed further ...
there are other litigation routes which will be taken ..which will delay
my gut is that generics will back peddle on this one because of the Teva risk /underdeveloped market/ split 4 ways Vascepa the 5th way /and possibly generic version from Amarin
USA market will still be there .. but Amarin need to be very smart about how they operate / and make profit asap ASAP — iEurope ROW still very significant future markets
It’s not the dream we had but it’s still worth more than 5 bucks
Each will decide which way to play this or not as case may be ... we wish We had left this behind at 25 !! but it is what it is ..
Good luck and we will keep in touch I am sure


10/15/20 12:56 AM

#305218 RE: Whalatane #305036

Good luck and good bye