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Grip it and Sip It

10/10/20 6:25 PM

#122562 RE: Vegas Stocks #122560

I can’t disagree with that but I don’t believe their is a conspiracy against Cytodyn. These are self-inflicted wounds and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

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Scooter McCabe

10/10/20 8:33 PM

#122579 RE: Vegas Stocks #122560

The FDA Is Doing What It Is Supposed To.

The FDA is not a group of wild eyed investors jumping at rumors, magical thinking, or even fake research reports.

It is a government agency set up to protect the general public from dangerous and untested food and drugs. In dealing with new drugs it has it's requirements. Those requirements are set in stone.

They don't bend for optimism. They don't bend for Gilead. They open the doors for companies that meet their requirements. What requirements has CYDY met? What overwhelming evidence do we have?

We have an incompetent CEO. A drug who's promising data has been incorrectly submitted several times. We have a company that wasted money on other projects to cover for its failures in getting us a line of revenue.

All of that does not factor into what the FDA cares about. The only thing it does is put Nader on the radar in a very bad way.

It's why DC is refering to Leronlimab as "Nader's Bathtub Brew."

So unless we have bulletproof results and our application together and airtight I can promise you we will not see the light of day for COVID. HIV is also in peril if Nader hasn't fixed the self injecting system issue.

For a company to botch something like that and be chronically unable to fix simple issues the FDA has to wonder if it is safe to let them sell a product. Because if you can't run your show in an air tight fashion, the question has to be asked if you are going to sell damaged/tainted goods.

Laxity in management trickles down.

Again imagine Nader stumbling over to your hospital bed with a hypodermic full of Leronlimab that he swears was put together as promised to the FDA. Do you trust Nader?

So that's why we have to be over the top in effort and results. Nader is that negative a factor for us in seeing this penny stock get off the ground.