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10/09/20 1:13 AM

#315707 RE: beachhyena #315659

On this day in 1971 John Lennon released his single "Imagine" and I cannot think of a more appropriate song to listen to as I contemplate the future of this therapy and the tremendous impact it will have on so many lives. We will indeed all be touched by this therapy and as pioneer shareholders will remember this fight with fondness.

Interesting that you should write this. Some of you might remember me having mentioned my daughter’s childhood best friend, Colby Curtin, who made worldwide news when she died in 2009 at the age of ten of an extremely rare solid tumor inoperable cancer. Her mother always looks for signs of Colby reaching out to her, and whenever she arbitrarily sees the word “Imagine”, she senses Colby’s presence with her. And as so many of us have come to this stock and stayed due to someone important to us that we’ve lost to cancer, Colby was my important person and my initial reason for sticking around. So your post serves to remind me of her, and I’d “imagine” that she’d be so pleased if DCVax should eventually offer other children like her a legitimate chance of beating this scourge, a real opportunity to stay here in this world with us, and to not have to die and leave their parents with an empty hole in their heart.

Thanks for making me feel Colby’s presence again.