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09/28/20 12:33 PM

#634629 RE: hotmeat #634616

Makes sense. Thanks HM for your response.

How about this dmdmd2020 post for confirmation of WMI ABS/MBS retained interests?

Our Escrow Cusips refer solely to our share of any POTENTIAL returns from the former WMI estate. The assets being searched will not carry the same numbers as our Cusips but rather unique numbers. In addition just because these ABS/MBS's are named after WAMU or WMI it does not mean WMI retained interests in them. This is what needs to be confirmed, which ABS/MBS's, IF ANY, did WMI retain interests in and whether these interests are still active. Even with my continued skepticism I did email the manager of a WAMU issued tranche of US Bank held ABS/MBS for clarity.


09/28/20 1:15 PM

#634638 RE: hotmeat #634616

Congratulations on your activities. It shows that you are inclined to question your opinions also. Thanks for that, even if your opinion is confirmed!


09/28/20 1:28 PM

#634641 RE: hotmeat #634616

One thing that has really bothered me last few days is that if those investments are there and have been in safe Harbor for the last 12 years, and Many of us have attribute it to A&M fees to the managing of safe Harbor assets. Well the question is if they were managing those assets, and the assess where in safe Harbor, why would the litigation trust pay for that? Hopefully someone can shed light on that because I’m confused