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09/28/20 10:28 AM

#30110 RE: MasterBidder #30109

"Promise of revenue" does not equal "revenue", I suspect, is part of the answer.

We need revenue - as opposed to "projection" - and/or product - as opposed to "research" - and/or major commitment - as opposed to "dipping the toe in" - news.

"You can pray in one hand and shit in the other - see which one fills-up first," as the wife likes to say...

Lexaria's corporate & IP developments are great - and folks like us appreciate them readily - but many institutions can't partake (for now), and all the small fish likely just want to see the money. ("Show me the moneeeeyyy!")

All that said, it's obvious there are quite a few large irons in the fire; let's hope many - if not most - materialize. Then it'll be "hockey stick" time.


09/29/20 9:25 AM

#30126 RE: MasterBidder #30109

10 bagger prices. Sellers will become chasers soon..IMHO