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09/26/20 6:46 PM

#634527 RE: Royal Dude #634526

RD, I really hope this is related to our case. We can see the money just sitting there as Boarddork has shown us this week. There are only 2 more roadblocks that I can see. 1) extension of the bk shutdown by March 2021 (which I believe the deadline is next week) and 2) FDIC receivership close out - which I am worried about since they can use that Libor lawsuits as an excuse for further delays...for years to come.
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09/27/20 2:06 AM

#634542 RE: Royal Dude #634526

Hi RD,

Per many board experts here most all of WuMu / WMIH issued loans are performing and whatever loans were not performing and were placed with FnF were already written down by FnF during 2008 Financial Crisis, the reason why FnF were put into conservatorship in the first place. So, why would the MBS's be unwound now. They are being paid to those end-investors as the US Treasury did step-in to stop-gap them, though there was never an explicit guarantee on them. So, I do not understand why closing the WMIH GSA by FDIC has any dependency on the FnF Conservatorship Exit timeline...