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golden flyer

09/23/20 11:22 AM

#300939 RE: raistthemage #300925

excuse me--that was my conspiracy theory posted earlier--at least give me credit for being right


09/23/20 12:43 PM

#300973 RE: raistthemage #300925


Let's analyze this:

BHATT - Amarin loses the patent, worth ~$10 billion. Weeks later, Bhatt & JAMA Deputy Editor publish a paper, explaining that Du erred based on a common misinterpretation of statistics. On top of that, the JAMA guy sends the paper to the courts and they publish it in the prominent Nature journal.

Why does Bhatt want the world to know this? Nothing sinister, IMO. Simply because he believes in Vascepa and knows that this statistical error will result in losses of many lives.

AMARIN - What does Amarin do? They distance themselves from Bhatt's paper, saying that it has nothing to do with Amarin. If this is a crime scene, as an investigator, this (possibly contradictory views from both parties) is music to your ears.

Why the distancing by Amarin? Two possibilities: 1)Amarin knew that there aren't any legal means to admit the paper to the court or 2)This paper proves Amarin's derelict of duty (for failing to present it during trial).

To summarize, Bhatt wants the world to know about his paper while Amarin does not (at least not publicly). If I was to investigate, I would undoubtedly speak to / depose Bhatt and ask the following:

A) Why did he write the paper?
B) When / how did he first become aware of the error?
C) What / when was his communication with Amarin?

Same questions for Amarin with the addition of: Why wasn't this done at trial?