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09/23/20 6:51 PM

#301140 RE: raistthemage #300913

Raist's post may sound pretty far fetched but does raise questions about how stupid can you get before somebody begins to ask..."Is there something we don't know about" and suggests there might be a method in this "madness". These issues taken alone. Such as the company had balls enough to file a First Amendment claim against the dread FDA...And after winning the lawsuit that nobody thought they win.. Why has the company (JT) suddenly become a timid milksop that has never once exercised his court earned right to the full extent ..Its like nobody at Amarin remembers the judge said "yeah...go for it." Even to these days there are more cautions in the Vascepa ads than there are claims...I know a little about the drug and the ad would make me stop and think before I would try the drug..

Why didn't Amarin hire lobbyists...North said J&J had a whole floor of them..The decision to file in the Ninth was monumental blunder..Forget Du most of the other Ninth judges were her ilk..

Who was the Great lawyer.."Singer"..What a fraud..He started off mumbling and muttering; doing a great JT imitation..complete with every other word "Ahs.. and continually using the phrase "Bled into"..over and over..And Judge Dyke was clearly not interested..Hell I am a retired Surgeon and I doubt I used the phrase "bled into" as many time a year as that lawyer did in ten minutes..Something is clearly not right with the whole picture... It will be interesting to see how this all plays out..I hope Amarin's management understands their fiduciary responsibility to its share holders and is not planning some self serving caper..

":>) JL


09/24/20 5:41 AM

#301200 RE: raistthemage #300913

raist@ When you line failures up like you do here - it does look bad.

The big question then - is it all part of a bigger secret plan 'to screw share holders' and make the company privat ?

Hudsucker Proxy - was a film - a comedy even. Name me 'only one' example - where something like that has happened in 'real life' with a billion dollar company.

Amarin have just been caught in bad luck to an extend that seems 'almost impossible' - to keep being hit that bad 'upon a major Science Break Through'.

A number of the things you and JL mention - is obviously 'in hindsight' faults on Amarin's part.

1. Biggest mistake probably not using Lobbyists (even though I hate this undemocratic bribery-like fenomena) - it is big part of 'not least' the Bio business.

2. FDA does seem to 'delay everything' when it comes to Amarin. Payback maybe - could have been solved using lobbyists (hindsight again).

3. Amarin 'being very careful not to provoke FDA regarding starting DTC and marketing general - Is part of the same story of the 'old lawsuit that Amarin won.

After approval of CDV label december 2019 - Amarin would for everything avoid another delaying fight with FDA - so they played DTC etc. fully by the book.

4. 9th Circuit ruling - is what 'totally smashed everything' - for Amarin's planning - and indeed for shareholder value

What 90% of Bio Press said could newer happen - Hikma bloodhound generic Layers proved wrong - and everything Amarin fought for' - for more than 10 years - were left in ruins.

That is how I see things. Not an Evil Plan from JT and Bod - they were/are just as shocked as shareholders over - how US justice system give the power 'to one single judge' to completely destroy a small privat company in the US market.
