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09/22/20 11:04 PM

#300840 RE: circuitcity #300805

Circuit- I am not kidding, but this is not a straightforward pathway.BB


09/23/20 5:38 AM

#300847 RE: circuitcity #300805

BB - Cir@ I've argued against it earlier - trying to reach out to Scotus and the WH.

But with the total paralyzed management of Amarin (we have to think - no info of any Action) - we are reaching a point (SP completely collapsing) where there is 'nothing to loose' using any way possible to change the hopeless situation.

What is a known fact is that Scotus have been at war with 9th Circuit all through his 1st period. So center of 'hope of getting through' to WH is the fact that the downfall is caused by 9th Circuit ruling - totally destroying a small innovative company - that has developed a drug that can help 100 of millions of CDV patients WW.

Now have a look at this video - about 8 minutes in Dr. Zelenko explains HOW he got WH to react. He did not just 'send a mail' - 'or a tweet' ?


So if anyone could 'copy the Ways of Zelenko' getting a response from WH - again 'center has to be that this total Injustice came out of 9th Circuit ruling' - and explaining the 'fraud from H and R' not picked up by judge - this might actually be something 'that Scotus would be able to use Campaigning the last few weeks:

"9the Circuit Destroys - Innovation of medicine in USA - pushing factories and production to China"

A lot of 'If's and But's I know - but as with Amicus brief - If you dont try' - no chance of changing bad state of situation.

A short video 5 - 10 minutes - A couple of pictures of Court in Nevada and the Judge - AMRN iHub experts explaining why this is a disastrous ruling - that will destroy future innovation in USA - and 'tweet link' to YT Video - to Scotus and all other WH personal having a twitter account.

Just Thoughts and Ideas in a desperate situation for Amarin and share holders.
