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09/22/20 2:26 PM

#25449 RE: Gabanon #25448

Did the NASI's (German National Socialist Worker's Party) feel they were NASI's? Of course not, DUH, and yet over time they controlled every aspect of German life, as they consolidated their lock on power.

They felt they were right and just and were social justice warriors deeply in their fanaticism.

They controlled when people could take vacations, and where they would take them *(in fact they even paid for these vacations)..., what jobs they might have, they controlled their religions, eventually starting their own centralized religion; they controlled most importantly the children, how they would go to school, and critically, the information they would receive in school. In just a few years all information was screened in the schools, history was either hidden or rewritten for the children. In just a few short years in fact, all information in Germany was censored and strictly monitored. The newspapers were all completely owned, all pamphlets, all everything or controlled by the Central state. Opposing political parties were almost immediately outlawed after they came to power. This was the totalitarian state in action.

NAZI's were not the smartest people in the world, and they loved to have huge bonfire book burnings, (how many democrats read books?) which they would publicize, they instituted their own marriage ceremonies of strange medieval origins, especially the SS. And over time they all shared one thing in common: they were government workers. All eventually became ensconced on the government dole. They relied on group think, collectivism, true believers. Indeed they hated the Soviet Bolshevik Socialists, but this was a matter of historic rivalry as much as anything else. The Germans had their own diffuse Racketeering organization: ....their own gang going. Their own crazy totalitarian state..
The Bloods and the Crips.

In coming to power they relied on two domestic terror groups, the SA and the SS, two massive groups of The People," very much like The Reign of Terror during the french revolution, 1793 to 1796 give or take. The SA numbered some 300,000 souls at one point, terrorizing citizens in all German cities, and with the SS, taking them from their homes in the middle of the night, AND the jews, the catholic and protestant priests, about 1000 of each were seized, the opinion leaders. They set up about 50 "re-education camps" within 6 months of Hitler coming to power, in early 1933, grabbing opinion leaders, stuffing them in there, and ransoming some of them back to their families. They loved money and need money because for the first few years, they were not liked by the German industrialists. They needed time to set up their tax collection system.

The liberal historians say that the national socialists were right wingers, but this is not true, start with their name, DUH....3 of the top 6 or 7 National socialists were doctrinaire card carrying socialists, including Goebbels, the minister of information, and Strausser, the number 2 NAZI, Hitler's rival, and who he murdered. The self described intellectual leader of the party, a guy named Alfred Rosenberg, was a wack job crank and diehard socialist and was considered the intellectual Father of the Nazi party, and he remained active like Goebbels until the end.

American notions of independence from government, of self reliance, of gun ownership, of frontier life and freedom, were largely unknown by the German people. The society shared many remnants of Euro authoritarianism, .....for whatever complicated reasons.

BLM and ANTIFA share all the same characteristics, as they increasingly harass and terrorize their opponents in their home, where they eat, and in their personal lives, and act as the enforcement and intimidation arm of the current Democrat Socialist Party, which uses and encourages them, like dogs on a leash. bombings, arson, murders, assaults destruction of small businesses. Hitler and the nationals socialists would actually have the SS come into the Germany Congress, where they lined the walls, seeing which representatives were voting against them, and they would follow these representatives home at night, and practice terror events of intimidation of them and their wives and children.
And make no mistake, the current Democrat socialist party is trading on a name, as they say in the sport of boxing; these democrats bear little or no similarity to the democrat party of 50 or 60 years ago. They are trading on a name. This thug Carney, or Coons, or Biden, etc....are what they are. They want to be called Democrats, but that is purely political. They are part of a growing, diffuse RICO *(federal racketeering organization)...and indeed, while all of us were asleep the last 30 years, trying to raise families, these thugs have quietly come to power. Make no mistake, these men (*and women) will do virtually anything to keep their power. The limits of their power have simply not been tested yet.

These two groups, BLM and Antifa, will be the future government workers, which is their personal aim (to get a collectivist job), if the Democrats take over the government, acting as the thug arms of the globalists. Do these groups consider themselves modern NAZI's? Of course not. Duh.


09/22/20 2:29 PM

#25450 RE: Gabanon #25448

he-he-he - yes - I guess that would be bad.