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09/20/20 3:08 AM

#309283 RE: skitahoe #309282

There is no such thing as an agreement with “the Chinese”. This is not with the central government, it’s not an agreement ever with the Communist Party ever either. Ask Hong Kong if the current government keeps agreements. I am not speaking metaphorically either, any agreement would be with a “private” Chinese company. But even that is a bit of a fiction, as there is no privacy in China and you don’t really own your company in China in the same way we think of in other countries. But even assuming that is the case, again, that entity they’d agree with is not “the Chinese”, it’s just some company or group of Chinese people, maybe a city or a province might throw in some benefits. But it’s not “the Chinese”. That would be a fantasy.

There is no real law in China. Foreigners and foreign companies are at the mercy of a legal system that is quite arbitrary and looks at foreign claims with a particular eye that is not driven by law as we know it. The law is ultimately what the party says it is. It’s a fascist state that has concentration camps and does what it wants, as we see with Hong Kong. Facism can look impressive, act without worry of red tape or limitations, disregard the wishes of people directly affected and that can look impressive to people from democracies. And when such a government has a billion people behind it, it can be incredibly impressive. But for a tiny company to think it can manage that relationship, it would be delusion and irresponsible. Everything is about power, not law or contract.

Very large global companies are pretty much trapped now with China. What looks “nice” from the outside, is not nice.

There are far more promising and better opportunities long-term outside of China. They’re looking for the big hit, fast, and for validation. Maybe that’s all anyone cares about. But it’s not real and everyone else, who can do so without destroying their businesses, is looking at how they can leave quietly and gracefully without getting attention for leaving.

As I said, what sounded impressive a few years ago, is increasingly looking like a bad move. The tone from China, and about China, globally, is one of incredible anxiety and discomfort. And it’s not just an American thing. It’s everywhere. But some people are already stuck in those unfortunate contracts.

We’ll see if it adds up to much. It could be a lot of noise about something not all that important in reality. The fact is, it’s probably nothing. At least that is what I hope.

If it is supplying from somewhere else, that is even better. But manufacturing in China, I hope that’s not a plan. NWBO is not Apple. It’s not a well known brand that is well established outside of China, and they will need enforceable laws to protect the IP. Just my opinion.