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09/19/20 8:29 PM

#10050 RE: Barrydeep #10047

Just slap the ask bro .it doesn’t need to be to go wayyyyyyyy past here...and stervc breaks the pricing down on the sticky right there SGW Also posted a video where the ceo explains valuation


09/19/20 9:17 PM

#10051 RE: Barrydeep #10047

If you are looking specifically at just the in house, chemical, 30-60 day treatments, you are correct, the per bed price they used is way beyond reality.


Substance abuse treatment only starts with the 30-60 day stay in house, dosing with weaning chemicals and the removal of the subjects substance(s) of choice. This is only a start of changing an addicts behavior.

Once the physical dependency is removed, a much longer portion of a behavior remodel becomes the counseling and psychological treatment. The out patient treatment the counseling portion is a much longer process. It can go on for months or perhaps years. This phase of treatment is equally as important as removing the chemicals from an addicted person, they also need to be provided coping and behavioral mechanisms through counseling.

You can add three or more out patience treatment costs to every inhouse treatment to truly arrive at a realistic cost per bed value.


09/19/20 9:53 PM

#10055 RE: Barrydeep #10047

A quick search of other rehab centres in Florida shows a big range of pricing from 7500$ to 120,000$ Per Month.
I dont feel like breaking down each place and comparing to Ethema’s tho what this shows is that the price is possible.

I remember in the phone call recording he said current market was more around 500k per bed and when the market recovers from 750K to 1million.


09/20/20 3:33 PM

#10086 RE: Barrydeep #10047

30k to 40k per 30 days is Avg industry price, don't forget if you have health insurance you're not paying out of pocket lost likely everyone's situation is different, but this is industry standard pricing... Some even charge alot more... You are getting the medical care with meals and board... $GRST