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09/17/20 12:23 PM

#308507 RE: Idunno #308501

I bet you welcome it, right up until AF points something out that sends the stock back to 20 cents. lol.

As an investigator you must know there are a lot of unscrupulous penny execs? You still work on that or have you decided to chase just the 1% short operatives?


09/17/20 12:27 PM

#308509 RE: Idunno #308501

...And if you are what you claim, I’d be really interested in your take on how and why Black got a seat on both Burisma and little NWBO?...

Keep it as short and concise as possible please. Thanks.


09/17/20 12:32 PM

#308512 RE: Idunno #308501

I heard hundred times the Company saying they got evidence on this crook and it seems they have 40 different ways of getting him. He will be the last one in their list. And I think LP is the only person who can finally send him where he belongs. LC is saying AF is ready with his hit article already to send this stock back to 20c. How good people these two are.


09/17/20 1:26 PM

#308545 RE: Idunno #308501

30-Year Coast Guard veteran here, USCG = Sentinels of the Sea!??