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09/16/20 1:44 PM

#356484 RE: trendzone #356483

14 commas, and zero periods? Go on, finish your thought.

So that's your thing, big shot Bradley, sending nasty childish private messages, that are the same kind of communication I would expect coming from some punk kid that owns nothing,but rents the trailer in his parents backyard, you sure write as if you come from some kind of a failure environment, far from being or acting like an adult, just some guy who can't get anyone to pay attention to him,
by the way I own the four bedroom house above my basement, with 0 mortgage payments due, something you are most likely a life time away from, l also took screenshots of all your nasty post attacks, and also from your other handle C Cap, just so there is proof of your nasty attack reply Post's, since I work with many in the legal industry, I would think twice about replying