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09/15/20 2:39 PM

#15605 RE: jimmy lipper #15604

Question does not pertain as there have been many up days. Question is when will canabis be legalized so police nationwide stop cracking heads over, "I smell pot!" as reason to bash Americans at will, to bust down doors, etc..... police go home at end of shift and drink alcohol in celebration of laughing about it.

Police dont care what they enforce. Politicians make the laws. If peoples lives mattered plants would all be legal like have been for millions of years up until current times.......

Laws are passed even when unjust as what better means to control 100% of the populace than to pass laws against mind expanding plants 50 million americans enjoy? Laws set against are unjust and a big reason people are out in the streets...

The first true step towards worldwide Peace On Earth is to let humans have plants put here by God by god.