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09/10/20 10:18 AM

#115677 RE: Saltz #115671

"Do you really think doctors are going to prescribe an expensive injection to patients that are most likely going to recover on their own?"

Did they not just approve Remdeathisnear for mild to moderate? Same price point and added bonus that we actually work.

Grip it and Sip It

09/10/20 10:40 AM

#115683 RE: Saltz #115671

Spot on always!

Welcome back



09/10/20 10:50 AM

#115687 RE: Saltz #115671

That’s why it should be approved to keep them from turning S2C. One could also say it’s approval could be as simple as it is that much better than the current SOC. Regardless of the performance of CyDy’s management we have the safest and best drug while continue to push Remdesivir which is harmful and approve CP which we don’t even know if it works are not. The gov’t will continue to stall our efforts for approval that’s the bottom line. If Leronlimab were to be approved would it perform better and safer than the SOC and if owned by Gilead do you think it would have already been approved I would answer yes on both. I agree with being unhappy with management but Leronlimab should be judged on its performance alone because at the end of the day we don’t have anything to fight covid19 after 6 months and billions of dollars later the best we have is big pharma drugs that don’t help . While our drug is pushed to the side that is unacceptable. If we got approved we could be on the road to recovery and the govt stop throwing away money on bs that doesn’t work. The cost of Leronlimab would be considered dirt cheap compared to what our govt had waisted already and guess what it actually works imagine that , an SOC that cures people


09/10/20 10:56 AM

#115689 RE: Saltz #115671

Yet they still prescribe Tamiflu for mild to moderate flu symptoms by the tens of thousands. i see your rationale but respectfully disagree on this one Saltz.


09/10/20 11:07 AM

#115690 RE: Saltz #115671

Sounds like you might have lightened up some amigo ;)


09/10/20 11:07 AM

#115691 RE: Saltz #115671

Didn’t part of phase 2 identify people it probably will help - they were rated a 4 -

If I was at that level and had the choice to take it/ pay for it and not become a long hauler, I’d take the shots.

At what level are the long haulers a result of? Level 4 or above, or higher?


09/10/20 11:51 AM

#115709 RE: Saltz #115671

Saltz.. Just saw your post...Just my 2 cents..

I’m currently having patients get the Flu AND Corona test done soon as they call in with Fever..Cough ..Myalgias..

If positive for the Flu..Tamiflu is prescribed RIGHT it has to be taken within 48 hrs of disease onset..I then see the patient..same day to make sure no antibiotics are case of secondary bronchitis or pneumonia..

If positive for the Corona Virus..Pt’s are NOT ALLOWED to come into the office..As per guidelines set by our institution..Hydroxychloroquine..Ivermectin..Steroids..are NOT allowed to be prescribed..Patient’s vital signs..Physical examination..Cxr are not allowed to be done..Pt is quarantined at home for 2 weeks on symptomatic care..and asked to hope for the best..???

IF Leronlimab gets approval..These Corona patient’s could come into the office..Be assessed for severity.. 80-85% will require nothing more than symptomatic care.. For the 15% or so of patient’s requiring Rx..THIS IS THE TIME TO TREAT.. not to wait for them to be intubated..



09/10/20 11:52 AM

#115710 RE: Saltz #115671

Respectfully, I would consider Leronlimab in someone who is mild to moderate with risks factors such as: advanced age, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and possibly male gender. With the data that are available from the start of the pandemic, it would be a reasonable modelling exercise to calculate the number needed to treat and do a simple cost-utility analysis.

Agree with you that in the absence of other factors, it may not be needed in MM.

One could propose to monitor NEWS2 and develop and algorithm to determine if Leronlimab is needed.



09/10/20 11:57 AM

#115712 RE: Saltz #115671

Saltz, let me ask you a question... From your post I take you believe FDA does not mind the MM cases... so then, why even bother having a trial? And we know for a fact such a trial exists

And also, I would think that a SC case before it might have been a MM case. So - specially for the risk groups people- wouldnt it be a smart move to treat these groups with LL even if they are MM?


09/10/20 3:34 PM

#115763 RE: Saltz #115671

Saltz all due respect I think you may be wrong on the people not being accessed and maybe getting Lero.
If you remember all they have to do is run the NEWS2 that will tell them who to treat with Lero. Also a smart Dr. would know if he is thinking of giving Lero to do a test for RANTEs(Not sure if DP assay is available yet) and that should tell them who to treat.


09/10/20 3:48 PM

#115767 RE: Saltz #115671

Saltz, I read your posts with great interest and respect for many years. Regarding this post, I have a very different view and as I am not a doctor- med I would like to ask Misue about her opinion to your and my view as a practitioner:

1) I understand that you say we don't get approval for M&M as LL would be of no use for M&M as it is by far too expensive. I wonder why so many of the real experts are looking at the results for M&M and even discuss Phase 3 if it is useless for M&M?? Why to waste money for Phase 2 and Phase 3?

2) I think between M&M and S&C we have a transition time of several days: during the first 3 days, we should treat the person with Antiviral drugs, eg. Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc and Quercin. Then the person might shift into the mode when the immune system COULD start to kill the person and ONLY LL can help. So far I have not heard about any other successful drug (sh.t, like Redemsivir we all know, is a fake)for S&C. Your idea is to give only LL to people who are already in the hospital and in the emergency room, just before dying, risking longterm damages. You wouldn't be my doctor of trust!

3) Only the doctor can decide when M&M shifts into S&C mode. And here it starts the problem. Why not permit LL for M&M and prevent the risk to move into S&C. If the doctor could decide, then we have "tomorrow" an normal life and no one needs lockdowns and no one needs to die because of COVID.

4)I even would say we don't need vaccines. In my country, very few people take a vaccine against flue. My last flue vaccination was in 1972. I consider flue vaccination as a waste of money and it is highly useless. If I have medicine like LL, I will not get a vaccination although I am 67. If I get once get COVID I would ask for antiviral (like described above) and if it doesn't get better I would ask for LL.

5)Maybe I would take LL even for prevention.

6)I consider LL as the fast track back to normal life. It seems no one is interested in normal life anymore.


09/10/20 9:53 PM

#115862 RE: Saltz #115671

The health care system is all about prescribing over-priced...EVERYTHING. Tylenol costs how much?

I agree with the rest of your points.